17 March 2011

The Child Bearer

Do not dwell on betrayals,
for even they will betray you.
Memories never stay loyal,
and minds are seldom true.

She had always protected me. From sharp corners, from bad dreams and sometimes even from herself. Little did she know she was bringing up a complete antithesis of herself, who on the inside was furiously battling her stubborn twin. From inside her womb, with my little fists clenched tight in distrustful slumber, I dreamt and vowed never to be what she didn't want me to be : a mere continuation of herself. It became a silly battle in life, to be and to protect her from something identical. She'd catch glimpses of herself sometimes in my rash, negligent acts. It seemed to break her heart that her free spirit still dwelt somewhere deep down inside her little one. I have denied myself a thousand lives, just so that for another thousand moments she may breathe knowing I didn't turn out just like her. Or that even if I did, no one will ever know. In such a way we have protected each other from each other, her and I, and failed each other repeatedly and miserably with each new sacrifice.

10 March 2011


Sometimes you make the wrong choices, and you hope that they are the right ones. And sometimes the right ones that you make are wrong beyond recall. It is always just a matter of time before everything falls into place, or falls apart (whatever is most likely in your world). There's a reason people are forgotten. They are meant to be. Broken hearts are just an excuse to express random sorrow. The kind that's accumulated over trivial affairs and the lack of them. You can keep holding back. You can keep assuming that there is going to be a reason for you to break free. You can keep kidding yourself and nurse a broken heart and perhaps learn to sing.

03 March 2011


They peeked from corners and winked at me through mirrors,
the eyes that saw everything.
And everywhere her eyes looked
they shattered into shards of agony.
The pieces reflected small holes.
Or small wholes perhaps.
She didn't know which.
They lay unobstrusively on the ground and glittered
with her glory.
In them she lay hidden,
Reflected for all to see.