23 December 2010

Arranged Marriage aur Hum

The marriage mafia presents..: not-eligible match for your idiotic, dim witted, pot-bellied, weird, uneducated bania lump of a son.

Name: Manasi Chatpalliwar
Height: 5'8'' ( yes too tall for your lump, I suggest you not read ahead.)
Date of Birth: 15/06/1988
Age: 22
Views on marriage: If it involves what's described above please kill me now.
Place of Birth : Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania (Will bet you a hundred dollars your son does not know which continent)
Time of Birth : 8.30 p.m. (Non- Manglik - which totally is besides the point but because your brain power is limited to thought processes involving fried food and getting married, discussions on this will help you feel intelligent and thoughtful.)
Qualification: B. A. Honours, History, Pursuing LL.B. - No package (Maybe that will deter you greedy bastards)
Other Details : Girl is a voracious (yes it's a word, yes it's very common) reader. Enjoys Music and travelling (trips to Manali in borrowed Innova taxis do not count as travelling). Family-oriented (towards her own family that is, not yours). Simple, not down to earth - chances are she might bully your son. Is said to be witty, which is a pity because all that humour will be wasted on your blob.
Convent educated, tall and slim.
Family Tree

Father : Government Official
Mother: Government Official
[Neither possesses the capacity to discuss your jewellery, cars and business beyond 5 seconds]
Brother: Possesses more intelligence in his little pinky than your entire khandaan put together and will be immensely cooperative in secretly poking fun at you behind your back after you leave.
Note: If still interested after reading this, kindly note that NO, we will not give your blob gold or a car or a washing machine, or a television set, or a house or pay for bathroom fittings etc. if by some sheer fluke this marriage does actually place.


  1. Awesome Read!! is it random or some recent incident cos the frustration is clearly visible. :D

    Would love to read something from you on 'Love Marriage' now.

  2. sorta random but stemming from recent conversations in the household...:P something on 'love marriage'? hm.. perhaps when im in a more vindictive mood.
